9.25 Family Experience Resources



An important part of childhood is learning which grown-ups you can trust. The very first phone number most kids tend to learn is an emergency number because it's important to know who to call when we need help! In this series, we'll help our kids see that they can always call on God for the things they need. As our kiddos hear the story of Israel escaping slavery in Egypt (and what happened afterward), they'll discover that God helps us when we're helpless, helps us in our weakness, helps us when we're in trouble, and will even help us help others. God is the help we need — always!

"My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." Psalm 121:2
Memory Verse Video

Week 4: God helps us help others

READ: God Provides Food and Water: Exodus 15:22-25, 16:1-16, 17:1-7; (Philippians 2:1-4)


Preschool: Bible Story

Elementary: Bible Story

SONG: I am


It’s Raining Manna!

INSTRUCTIONS: Print this image of the people collecting manna on white card stock paper. Tell the kids to color the picture. When they are done coloring, tell them to glue cornflakes onto the pictures of manna.

Manna was the special bread God sent down from the sky. It tasted nothing like the people had ever tasted before! And they always had enough to eat.

Manna was just one of the many ways God helped the people through Moses. If Moses didn’t pray to God, who knows if they would have gotten to try manna? God helps us help others.

COLORING: God provides food and water


Read Exodus 15:22-25, 16:1-16, 17:1-7; Lead your family in a time of reflection.

Sometimes, it’s hard to help other people. Moses had a group of people — the Israelites — who God had just rescued from Egypt and we saw how they responded. . . with lots of whining and complaining.

I’m sure it wasn’t easy for Moses to help them. But God asked Moses to help them, so he obeyed. God helped Moses help them!

Think about someone in your life who may not be the easiest person to help. This could be a sibling, a friend you’re arguing with, or someone at school who isn’t very nice to you.

How might you be able to help them even if it’s hard?


"Thank You, God for helping Moses help the Israelites. Help us to remember You are always nearby to help us. Thank You for helping me to help others, too!"


What were the Israelites complaining about?

What did Moses do when he heard the complaints?

How did God help Moses help the Israelites?

Re-read Philippians 2:3-4. What does it mean to "not look at your own interests, but to the interests of others?"

Can you think of a time when you might find it hard to help others?

What can you do to help them anyway?

What are some other ways you can help others at school? At church? Or in your neighborhood?