Did You Know - Week 1
Did you know that the largest Easter egg in the world lives in Vegreville, Canada? Did you know that the most popular Easter candy in the world are Reese’s Peanut Butter Chocolate Eggs? There’s a ton of fun trivia around the theme of Easter but the best questions to ask your kids are about Jesus. Did you know we can love Jesus more than anything? Did you know Jesus is king over everything? Did you know Jesus is alive? Did you know we can trust Jesus? Whatever their answer, invite your family to go beyond the facts and win the grand prize of knowing Jesus for themselves!
Click HERE to watch this month’s memory verse video!
Did you know we can love Jesus more than anything?
MEMORY VERSE: "But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." II Peter 3:18a (NIV)
TODDLER TWIST: "Keep learning about Jesus love." II Peter 3:18
READ: Jesus Anointed by Mary: John 12:1-8
Preschool- teaching video
Elementary- teaching video
SONG: Everybody Ought to Know
INSTRUCTIONS: Prepare a large bowl of water. Give each family member a coffee filter with “Jesus” written on it in permanent marker. Use washable markers and have them decorate their coffee filter however they like. Now, let’s put our coffee filter in the water and see what happens. Everything but Jesus disappeared in the water!
Jesus is better than anything because Jesus stays the same, is always there for us, and loves us so much!
What can you do to show how much you love Jesus?
There are so many things we can do to show how much we love Jesus. We can sing, we can write and draw pictures, we can treat others in a kind way . . . there are so many things we can do!
Our Big Idea this week is; Did you know we can love Jesus more than anything?
COLORING: Jesus Anointed by Mary
Place a series of these images face up on the floor (or show from your device). As you retell today’s Bible story (John 12:1-8), encourage your kids to find the image that goes with that part of the story.
Let’s see if we can remember the details of today’s Bible story. Today’s story starts off with two sisters and one brother named Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. Can you find the picture of siblings?
Jesus and the disciples went to Mary and Martha’s house for a special meal called, Passover.
Can you find the picture of people having a special meal together?
After the meal, Mary poured her expensive perfume on Jesus’ feet! Can you find the bottle of perfume? How about a picture of feet?
One of Jesus’ disciples, Judas, was not happy about what Mary had done. Who can find the angry face?
But Jesus was happy with Mary. She was showing everyone just how much she loved Jesus.
Can find the picture of the heart?
Do you remember our Big Idea? Did you know we can love Jesus more than anything?
INSTRUCTIONS: Pass out game show ticket printable for your kids to use to invite friends (neighbors and even kids at school) to join them in Family Experience Classroom next week.
One way to show how much we love Jesus is to share Jesus with others. Sharing the great news of Jesus is so easy . . . it often just starts with an invitation!
Here are some tickets to next week’s Did You Know? Game Show. Give one to a friend so they can come with you to hear the wonderful news of Jesus!
Pray: Dear Jesus, thank you for loving us! Help us to love you more than anything else by giving you our time and attention. Amen.
What did Mary pour on Jesus’ feet?
How did Judas react to Mary’s actions?
How did Jesus respond to what Mary did?
Reread Philippians 3:7-9. What are some things in your life that compete with your love for Jesus?
Is there anything in your life that you need to reduce in order to spend time with God?
Why does Jesus deserve all our love and attention?
How can we show that we love Jesus more than anything?