2.11 Family Experience Resources

How To… - Week 2

The internet helps us learn how to do so many things! From new skate tricks and viral recipes to helpful hacks, there’s a “how-to” for almost everything. But is there a tutorial video for how to follow God? This four-week series is kind of like that — thanks to some tutorials from Jesus! Each week, we’ll focus on one of Jesus’ teachings from the Sermon on the Mount as we learn "how to" make a difference, love our enemies, share with others, and pray.

READ: Love Your Enemies: Matthew 5:43-48; Deuteronomy 30:15-20


Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG: He is the Light  and I have Decided

COLORING: Love your Enemies


Read Matthew 5:43-48 together. 

Have your kids take a piece of construction paper, fold it in half, and tear out the shape of a

heart. Have them then tear the heart into four pieces, then swap hearts with a family member. As kids patch up their “heart” with tape, have them share their thoughts on the questions below.

What are some ways we get our hearts broken?

Can you think of a time someone said something to upset or hurt you?

What about a time when you did that to someone else?

What can we do to patch things up with someone you don’t get along with?

We cannot control how others treat us, but we can always control how we treat others. Especially because we don’t know the whole story, sometimes. It’s possible that the people who broke our hearts got their hearts broken, too.

God reached out to us and loved us long before we loved God back. Jesus taught us how to love our enemies by loving all of us!


  • In addition to loving our neighbors, who does Jesus say to love? 

  • Why do you think Jesus wants us to not only love people who love us back? 

  • Read Matthew 5:48. Do you think Jesus really expects us to be perfect? What do you think Jesus means by this? 

  • Read Deuteronomy 30:16. How do you think this command to love God relates to loving our enemies? 

  • What can you do when you're finding it hard to love someone in the moment?

  • What is something that can remind you to love your enemies every day?

  • Think about someone who might have been unkind to you this past week. What is one way you can choose to love that person this week?