2.18 Family Experience Resources

How To… - Week 3

The internet helps us learn how to do so many things! From new skate tricks and viral recipes to helpful hacks, there’s a “how-to” for almost everything. But is there a tutorial video for how to follow God? This four-week series is kind of like that — thanks to some tutorials from Jesus! Each week, we’ll focus on one of Jesus’ teachings from the Sermon on the Mount as we learn "how to" make a difference, love our enemies, share with others, and pray.

READ: Giving: Matthew 6:1-4; Psalm 20


Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG: He is the Light  and I have Decided



Read Matthew 6:1-4 together.

Have you ever wondered about what we can share with others?

Start by looking at what you have. You have a place to live, food to eat, clothes to wear, toys to play with, things to learn, people who take care of you.

What else can you think of?

Now, how can you share any one of these things with someone else?

Next let’s think about your interests, your gifts . . . you know, the things you are naturally good at. We are all born with these things!

Can you name at least one ability God has given you?

What can you do with this ability to help someone else?

Practice thanking God often for all of these things and remember that what God wants most of all is for us to think of others and not just ourselves.

Jesus taught us how to share with others. And, when it feels tough sharing things you love with others, remember that God shared Jesus with you, and Jesus shared everything he had for us.


  • Which way of giving and doing good deeds was Jesus warning people not to do?

  • Read Matthew 6:2. What happens when people do good but then "announce it with trumpets"? What reward is Jesus talking about?

  • What do you think it means to "not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing"?

  • Read Psalm 20:7. What would be a modern-day version of the "chariots" and "horses" people trust instead of God? 

  • Why do you think it is so important that we share with others? Why is our motive for sharing also important?

  • What is the hardest thing for you to share? 

  • How do you feel when someone shares with you?