2.25 Family Experience Resources

How To… - Week 4

The internet helps us learn how to do so many things! From new skate tricks and viral recipes to helpful hacks, there’s a “how-to” for almost everything. But is there a tutorial video for how to follow God? This four-week series is kind of like that — thanks to some tutorials from Jesus! Each week, we’ll focus on one of Jesus’ teachings from the Sermon on the Mount as we learn "how to" make a difference, love our enemies, share with others, and pray.

READ: The Lord’s Prayer: Matthew 6:5-15; Psalm 32


Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG: He is the Light  and I have Decided

COLORING: The Lords Prayer


Read Matthew 6:5-15 together.

Talk with your family about how there are different positions people can pray in. There are so many different ways we can pray! Some of us may have grown up thinking that we always have to bow our heads, close our eyes, and clasp our hands when we pray. That’s a great position to be in especially if we get easily distracted!

The Bible actually shows us that there are many ways to pray to God. We can lift our eyes up as if talking to God (John 17:1).

We can bow or kneel down (Psalm 95:6).

We can stretch our arms out wide (1 Kings 8:22-23).

We can even be standing, laying down, sitting, walking, singing, or leaping for joy!

Choose a way you’d like to pray right now, and thank God for the gift of being able to communicate with God! Then pray with your family.


  • Why did Jesus want people to go into a quiet place to pray?

  • What are some things Jesus encourages us to pray for?

  • What does 'forgive us our debts' mean? 

  • Read Psalm 32:5-6. What kinds of things is the author of this psalm praying about? 

  • If you could ask God any question right now what would it be? 

  • The Bible tells us God knows what we need before we ask. Then why do you think we still pray?

  • What are some things you can pray about this week?