3.4 Family Experience Resources

Changing Gears - Week 1

Clank! Beep! Clunk! Kids love robots, especially ones that can transform into something new or have really cool abilities. In this four-week series from Jesus’ ministry on earth, our kiddos will be introduced to a different story each week that shows us how God’s truths never change, but Jesus changes everything — including us! We’ll see that we change when we know who God is, our past doesn’t change God’s love for us, and that Jesus changes how we see things because Jesus can change anything!

READ: The Transfiguration of Jesus: Matthew 17:1–9; Romans 12:1–3



"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: 

"Jesus makes me new!" 2 Corinthians 5:17



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Nothing is Impossible


COLORING: Transfiguration of Jesus


DISCIPLE: Read Matthew 17:1-9 together.

We change when we know who God is. Change can feel good and exciting, and it can also feel stressful or scary. The changes that occur in us because of knowing God are always good changes, even if they feel new and even difficult to do. Have your family write or draw one thing they hope to change in their lives as a prayer to God. 

Pray: Dear God, we are so thankful that we change when we know who you are. You take our sadness and give us joy. You take our fear and give us courage. You take our weakness and give us strength. Keep changing us so that we can be more and more like Jesus! Amen


  • What do you think "transfigured" means? Who was transfigured on the mountain? 

  • Whose voice spoke out loud on the mountain? 

  • What did God say to do? 

  • Read Romans 12:1–3. How do you think our minds are "renewed" when we know who God is?

  • Can you think of a habit or attitude that you can change in a way that would please God? 

  • How do you feel about change? What are some examples of change that are good? What are some that might feel scary or difficult? 

  • Who can you tell about the good changes God is making in your life?