3.11 Family Experience Resources

Changing Gears - Week 2

Clank! Beep! Clunk! Kids love robots, especially ones that can transform into something new or have really cool abilities. In this four-week series from Jesus’ ministry on earth, our kiddos will be introduced to a different story each week that shows us how God’s truths never change, but Jesus changes everything — including us! We’ll see that we change when we know who God is, our past doesn’t change God’s love for us, and that Jesus changes how we see things because Jesus can change anything!

BIG IDEA: Our past doesn’t change God’s love for us.
READ: Jesus and the Samaritan Woman: John 4:5–42; Romans 5:1–11



"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: 

"Jesus makes me new!" 2 Corinthians 5:17



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG: Nothing is Impossible

COLORING:Jesus and the Samaritan Woman

DISCIPLE: Read John 4:5-42 together. 

Have your family write one thing they wish they could change about something that happened in the past. This can be something personal or something historical. If you could choose anything, what would you change? 

Maybe this change you make to the past would make your life or even this entire world better. But the fact of the matter is, we can't change what's already happened. No matter how painful or embarrassing it might have been, our past is a part of us. 

However, that doesn't make us any less lovable to God! God sees past our past and loves us so much anyway. Our past doesn’t change God’s love for us.


Pray: Dear God, thank you for your never-changing love for us! In a world where everything changes, we feel safe and secure knowing your love for us remains the same, no matter what we might have done in the past. Help us to continue to transform to be more like you. Amen. 


  • What did Jesus ask the Samaritan woman? 

  • What convinced the woman that Jesus was really the savior?

  • What did the Samaritan woman do after her encounter with Jesus at the well? 

  • Read Romans 5:8. How does this verse show us that today's Big Idea is true? 

  • Why might we find it hard to talk to God about our mistakes?

  • What can we do to remind ourselves that God's love doesn't change?

  • What helps you to keep moving forward (to forget about your past and keep trying)?