8.12 Family Experience Resources

WonderFULL- Week 2

From the Northern Lights to the Great Barrier Reef, our world is full of so many incredible wonders! In this four-week series, our families will explore the natural wonders of the world while learning from the book of Psalms about how all of God’s creation is evidence of how wonderful our Creator is! Each week, we’ll invite kids to worship because of all the “wonder-full” things God has done by putting their hope in God, asking for God’s help, remembering what God has done, and living for God!

BIG IDEA: We can worship by asking for God’s help.
READ: Ask for Help: Psalm 80:8-19; Hebrews 12:1-2



"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:14 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: 

"God made me amazing and wonderful!" Psalm 139:14


Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG: Anything  Is Possible and I Cast All My Cares

COLORING: Psalm 139:14


Get a tangles rope together before you read Hebrews 12:1–2 to your family. While you’re reading the passage, have one family member try to untangle a very tangled rope. 
They won’t be able to untangle the rope on your own. Prompt them to ask another family member for help to untangle it. 
Climbing a mountain like Everest requires all sorts of supplies. Things like the right hiking boots, the right snacks, and don’t forget about the rope! 

It’s easy to get tangled up in worry or in the things we know we shouldn’t be doing, which is sin. Sin is the  bad stuff we do that separates us from God.
But this passage reminds us to keep our eyes on Jesus. Even in the hardest, darkest moments of life, Jesus  kept going. Jesus knew the promise of joy that was coming, so Jesus didn’t get tangled up in worry. We have that same promise because of Jesus and what Jesus did for us.
[Use this moment to briefly describe the sacrifice Jesus made for our sins.]
We don’t have to stay tangled in sin and bad choices. All we have to do is ask God for help and God will help us!
Even during our darkest moments, we can remember that God will help us untangle whatever’s holding us down. We can worship by asking for God’s help.

Pray: Dear God, we will face challenges in life that feel too big for us to take on. Remind us that we don’t have to do it alone. Thank you for being our help. Help us to keep our eyes focused on Jesus, no matter what challenges come our way. When we consider the huge and magnificent wonders you have created, we know nothing is too hard for you. Amen.


  • Read Psalm 80. Where did Asaph go to get help?

  • The author of this Psalm asks for help from God more than once. Do you think it’s okay to seek help more than one time — even if it’s for the same problem?

  • What are some things Asaph asked God to help with?

  • Read Hebrews 12:1. How does sin tangle us up or slow us down from living the life God has given us?

  • Do you think it’s hard or easy to ask for help? Why?

  • Does asking for help make you weak or strong?

  • When someone asks you for help, are you happy to help them or do you withhold help? Or do you sometimes do both? Why?