8.5 Family Experience Resources

WonderFULL- Week 1

From the Northern Lights to the Great Barrier Reef, our world is full of so many incredible wonders! In this four-week series, our families will explore the natural wonders of the world while learning from the book of Psalms about how all of God’s creation is evidence of how wonderful our Creator is! Each week, we’ll invite kids to worship because of all the “wonder-full” things God has done by putting their hope in God, asking for God’s help, remembering what God has done, and living for God!

BIG IDEA: We can worship by putting our hope in God.
READ: Wait in Hope: Psalm 33:12-22; Hebrews 11:1-3



"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:14 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: 

"God made me amazing and wonderful!" Psalm 139:14


Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG: Anything  Is Possible and I Cast All My Cares

COLORING: Psalm 139:14


(show your family a picture of the northern lights from an online search) 

The Northern Lights are always there, even though we can’t always see them. I like knowing God is always  with me. It’s kind of like knowing that someone who loves us very much will be picking us up after school. 
You can’t see them during the day, but they show up when you need them.
God is kind of like this, but even better because God is always available, no matter what time it is or where we are. Even though we can’t see God all of the time, God is always there. 

Hope is knowing for sure that God’s promises are true. They are real and they work!
Do you notice God helping you throughout the day in big and small ways? Me, too!
When we really start to notice how much God is with us and how far God’s love reaches, it’s hard not to feel  grateful. It’s easy to feel amazed at how wonderful God is — and when that happens, worship happens! 
We can worship by putting our hope in God


Dear God, even though we can’t see you and may not always know what you have planned for us, we know you are good and you love us — nothing changes that. We can see the amazing wonders you have created and they remind us of your great love for us! Teach us to worship you in every season so our hope in you may grow. Amen.

. Amen

  • Read Psalm 33:18. Where are God’s eyes?

  • Read Psalm 33:20. What does it mean to “wait in hope for the Lord?”

  • Why do you think we need both a “help” and a “shield?”

  • Read Hebrews 11:1–3. Can you name other things you trust even though you can’t see them?

  • Think about a time you’ve sat outside with your family or a friend and looked around at all the things God has made — including you! How might seeing all this fill you with hope?

  • When is a time you might find it difficult to worship? What is a way you can worship even then?

  • How can you worship God every day this week?