7.29 Family Experience Resources

Staycation - Week 5

Grab some blankets and flashlights! We're going to build a fort or jump on the couch because the floor is lava! That’s right — it's time for a family staycation! In this five-week series about Abraham and his family (and our families, too!), our families will learn that God blesses us so we can bless others and God always shows us compassion. That’s why we can trust God (even when it's hard to trust each other), always belong in God’s family, and can make peace with others — especially the people who live with us!

BIG IDEA: We can make peace with others.

READ:  Jacob and Esau Meet Again: Genesis 32:6-21, 33:1-11; Romans 8:26-39



"Let us do good to everyone, and especially to the who are of the household of faith." Galatians 6:10 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: 

"Do good to everyone!" Galatians 6:10


Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG: The Blessing and Give a Little Kindness

COLORING: Galatians 6:10


Read Romans 8:26-39.
It may seem unnatural to live peacefully with others all of this time, but this passage reminds us that all things work together for our good. 
It may not be the “good” that we imagined — but it’s even better because it’s God’s good plan for us. We saw this in the story about Jacob and Esau. Things worked out for their good. 
In verse 29, we are told that we are becoming like God’s son, Jesus. Even though Jesus was mistreated, mocked, and eventually killed, he never stopped being a person of peace. 
As we continue to trust God, God will make us more like Jesus. Even in the hardest of times, we can have peace and we can make peace with others

Pray:  Dear God, we know it’s not always easy to get along with others, but you show us that it’s not impossible to make peace. Help us to be the first to reach out and say sorry and give us open hearts to accept other people’s apologies. Thank you for being the true giver of peace. Amen.

  • What did Jacob bring Esau so that he would forgive him?

  • What did the messengers tell Jacob?

  • What did Jacob do when he finally saw his brother again?

  • Read Romans 8:28. Why is making peace with others also for our good?

  • What are some ways you can show peace with others?

  • When is it easy to forgive? When is it difficult? How can we still have peace even when it's difficult?

  • Who is a peaceful person in your life? What is better about your life because of that person?