7.22 Family Experience Resources

Staycation - Week 4

Grab some blankets and flashlights! We're going to build a fort or jump on the couch because the floor is lava! That’s right — it's time for a family staycation! In this five-week series about Abraham and his family (and our families, too!), our families will learn that God blesses us so we can bless others and God always shows us compassion. That’s why we can trust God (even when it's hard to trust each other), always belong in God’s family, and can make peace with others — especially the people who live with us!

BIG IDEA: We always belong in God’s family.

READ:  Jacob’s Dream: Genesis 28:10-19a; Psalm 139:1-12



"Let us do good to everyone, and especially to the who are of the household of faith." Galatians 6:10 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: 

"Do good to everyone!" Galatians 6:10


Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG: The Blessing and Give a Little Kindness

COLORING: Galatians 6:10


Read Psalm 139:1-12.
It means a lot to us when our friends and family know things about us. When people see and know us, it makes us feel loved. This passage is a reminder that God loves and cherishes us. God knows every detail about us — including our most shining moments and the moments we may not be so proud of. But God doesn’t want us to hide away. In fact, there’s no way we can. God gave us Jesus so that we can always be connected to God and know that we belong no matter what we’ve done. We always belong in God’s family.

Pray:  Dear God, thank you for giving us our families and people who love us and may not even be related to us. Sometimes, there may be days when we feel like we don’t belong, but you remind us that we always belong in God’s family. Thank you for loving us and making us feel at home. Amen.


  • What did Jacob see in his dream?

  • What promise did God make to Jacob?

  • Why did Jacob build a pillar out of stone?

  • Read Psalm 139:1-3. Think of a time you felt all alone. Did it help (or would it have helped) to know that God was with you? Why or why not?

  • Have you ever felt like an outsider in a group of people? How did that make you feel?

  • What are some things people do to help you feel like you belong?

  • Every family member has a job to do around the house. What is something you can do as a member of God's family?