7.15 Family Experience Resources

Staycation - Week 3

Grab some blankets and flashlights! We're going to build a fort or jump on the couch because the floor is lava! That’s right — it's time for a family staycation! In this five-week series about Abraham and his family (and our families, too!), our families will learn that God blesses us so we can bless others and God always shows us compassion. That’s why we can trust God (even when it's hard to trust each other), always belong in God’s family, and can make peace with others — especially the people who live with us!

BIG IDEA: We can trust God when it's hard to trust each other.

READ:   Jacob and Esau: Genesis 25:19-34; Romans 8:1-11



"Let us do good to everyone, and especially to the who are of the household of faith." Galatians 6:10 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: 

"Do good to everyone!" Galatians 6:10


Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG: The Blessing and Give a Little Kindness

COLORING: Galatians 6:10


Read Romans 8:1-11.
Today we heard about two brothers who were at odds with each other. Jacob stole Esau’s birthright because he thought his life and future were more important than Esau’s.
This passage in Romans tells us that Jesus came to set us free from the selfishness in the world. Selfishness drives us to try to fight to protect ourselves, but when we trust in Jesus, we realize that it is God who makes our future hopeful and secure. 
Even when there is conflict and tension around us, we can trust God when it’s hard to trust each other.

Pray: Dear God, even when we mess up or when other people break our trust, thank you for sticking with us. Thank you that we can trust you when it’s hard to trust each other. Thank you for your steady love toward us on the  good days and the hard days. We can count on you. Amen


  • What were the names of Isaac's children?

  • How were Isaac's children different from each other?

  • How did one of the brothers end up losing his birthright? 

  • Read Romans 8:5. What do you think it means to have your mind set on the flesh or the Spirit?

  • Have you ever let down someone in your family? What did you do or what could you have done to make it right? 

  • What good or important gifts have we been given, like Esau's birthright, that we take for granted?

  • What do you think is needed for two people to trust each other? How do we know we can trust God?