8.26 Family Experience Resources

WonderFULL- Week 4

From the Northern Lights to the Great Barrier Reef, our world is full of so many incredible wonders! In this four-week series, our families will explore the natural wonders of the world while learning from the book of Psalms about how all of God’s creation is evidence of how wonderful our Creator is! Each week, we’ll invite kids to worship because of all the “wonder-full” things God has done by putting their hope in God, asking for God’s help, remembering what God has done, and living for God!

BIG IDEA: We can worship by living for God.
READ: Way to Live: Psalm 112; Hebrews 13:1-3



"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:14 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: 

"God made me amazing and wonderful!" Psalm 139:14


Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG: Anything  Is Possible and I Cast All My Cares

COLORING: Psalm 139:14


Read Hebrews 13 together. The passage we just read has this word, “hospitality.” What that means? Showing hospitality or being hospitable means being friendly and generous toward others and making them feel welcome. This relates to our Big Idea because a big part of living for God means we should live with love and show kindness to those around us.

Jesus was an expert at showing hospitality. Jesus welcomed everyone to the table — literally — even though most people excluded them. Jesus let everyone know they were loved and showed that by spending time with them.
Let’s explore this! I’m going to describe a scenario and tell me the best way to respond. 

  • Your friend dropped all of their candy out of their bag. You still have your whole bag of candy in your hand. What do you do? 

  • You see someone crying alone in the bathroom. When you ask why they’re crying, they say, “I don’t think I did so well on that test we just took in math class.” What do you do? 
    You are walking down the street and someone in front of you accidentally dropped their wallet on the ground and didn’t know it. What do you do? 

  • You notice a new kid your age walk into church looking sort of afraid. What do you do?

  • You notice everyone at the lunch table is making fun of another kid who walked by because they think their clothes look funny. What do you do? 

  • At school, you notice that when your class ran outside for recess, only one classmate stayed behind to help your teacher push in all the chairs. What do you? 

  • In each of these scenarios, there were lots of different ways you could have reacted to what happened. But the best way is to choose the way of love and hospitality, just like we just read in Hebrews 13. 
    Let’s practice living for God so it becomes more natural — just like the creatures swimming so effortlessly in the sea, we can live for God naturally by following Jesus.

Pray: Dear God, we want to worship you with our whole lives! Please help us to see ways to live your love out loud for all to see. Thank you for sending your son, Jesus, to show us what it looks like to fully love others. Let our lives of love be a wonder for all to see! Help us to love you and those around us every day. Amen.


  • Read Psalm 112:1. What do you think it means to “fear” God? Does it mean to be scared of God?

  • Read Psalm 112:4. What are some of the good things that Psalm 112 says will come to people who obey God?

  • What are some examples of living for God that we see in this Psalm?

  • Read Hebrews 13:2. How would you describe hospitality? What’s an example of showing someone hospitality?

  • Why can it sometimes be challenging for us to be kind and generous toward others?

  • Is it possible to worship God without living for God? How come?

  • What’s one way you can live for God this week?