9.2 Family Experience Resources

Animated - Week 1

If you’ve ever gotten a little emotional during your favorite Disney or Pixar movie, you know animation is a powerful tool to not only tell big stories, but to make us feel big feelings, too! In this four-week series, our families will look at some stories of the Old Testament prophets as we explore some of those feelings. These stories will remind our kids that God cares about our big feelings. With God, we can all feel secure, comforted, valued, and loved, even when our emotions tell us otherwise.

BIG IDEA: Because of God, I can feel secure.
READ: Jeremiah at the Potter’s House: Jeremiah 18:1-11; Psalm 139:1-14



Elementary: "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him." Romans 15:13a (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "God gives us joy and peace." Romans 15:13a



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG: Thank God and 10,000 Armies



Just like a potter’s hands are on every part of their creation, God knows every part of our lives. Even when things feel crazy, God is always molding and shaping us.

Before you were born, you didn’t even have the ability to move or make sense of what was happening around you. Even then, God was forming you.

How do you feel knowing God was thinking about you before you could even think?


Pray: Dear God, we thank you for always caring about us and being with us. Thank you for reminding us through your prophet Jeremiah that we’re always in your hands. Remind us that you’re forming us all the time, in really hard times and in really good times. Help us to remember that no matter what comes in life, we can feel secure in you. Amen.


  • Why was Jeremiah called the “weeping prophet?”

  • Where did God tell Jeremiah to go?

  • What did God want Jeremiah to remember?

  • Read Psalm 139:7–12. The writer of Psalm 139 used creative ways, like word pictures, to describe God’s care. Can you remember one? Which stuck out to you most and why?

  • When might be a time you don’t feel secure?

  • How might today’s Bible story about the life of Jeremiah change the way you look at sad situations in your life?

  • Who are some people God put in your life to help you feel secure? How do they do that?