9.9 Family Experience Resources

Animated - Week 2

If you’ve ever gotten a little emotional during your favorite Disney or Pixar movie, you know animation is a powerful tool to not only tell big stories, but to make us feel big feelings, too! In this four-week series, our families will look at some stories of the Old Testament prophets as we explore some of those feelings. These stories will remind our kids that God cares about our big feelings. With God, we can all feel secure, comforted, valued, and loved, even when our emotions tell us otherwise.

BIG IDEA: God loves me even when I feel ashamed.
READ: Jonah Swallowed by a Fish: Jonah 1:17-2:10; I Timothy 1:12-17



Elementary: "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him." Romans 15:13a (NIV)

Toddler Twist: "God gives us joy and peace." Romans 15:13a



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: Thank God and 10,000 Armies



Read 1 Timothy 1:12–17.

Do any words or phrases stick out to you?

Paul, who wrote this, called himself the “worst of sinners,” which seems like a statement full of shame. But then, in the very next verse, Paul said that it was for that very reason he was shown mercy.

Paul had good reasons to feel ashamed. Before he knew Jesus, Paul would hunt down and

capture people who believed in Jesus. But after he came to know God himself, Paul turned his life around and started doing the very thing he used to arrest people for.

Paul understood that feeling shame about his mistakes — which were huge, by the way — would be missing the point. The point is God still loved him and sent Jesus for him and for everyone.

God forgave the things Paul did in the past and gave him the chance to do things for God. That’s mercy!

What are some things we can do when we feel shame to help us feel unashamed? Who is someone you can think of you can go to when you feel shame?

Remember, you can always go to God!


Pray: God, we thank you for removing our shame. Please help us remember we’re forgiven and that you love us even when we feel ashamed. Help us go, without shame, and tell others about how awesome you are. Amen


  • What mistake did Jonah make?

  • What did Jonah do when he was inside the big fish?

  • What did he do after the fish spit him out on the beach?

  • Read 1 Timothy 1:12–17. What did the writer say about himself, and what did the writer say is the reason he was shown mercy?

  • What’s something that might make you feel ashamed? You don’t have to share this aloud if you don’t want to.

  • You know how when you have a big burp, it clears out space for more food? Imagine releasing shame is like a big burp in your soul. What might you be able to put there instead?

  • What can you tell someone who’s feeling ashamed because of who they are or something they did?