6.10 Family Experience Resources

Make it or break it - Week 2

Whether it’s with LEGO bricks, Minecraft, or Roblox, our kids (and us!) love to make things — and sometimes break them. In this four-week series from the very beginning of the Bible, we’ll compare God’s ability to make good things with our tendency to break them. Through the stories of creation, the fall, Cain and Abel, and the Tower of Babel, we’ll see that God makes good things, unbreaks what’s been broken, and made us different on purpose, so we should honor God with the things we make.

BIG IDEA: God unbreaks what’s been broken.

READ:  The Fall: Genesis 3; Matthew 9:9-13




"For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything." Hebrews 3:4 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: 

"God made everything!" Hebrews 3:4



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: When I Look and All Good


COLORING: Hebrews 3:4



Put a puzzle together as a family. 

God made a world that was completely perfect, just like this completed puzzle. The world, and this puzzle, had everything it needed!

[Start removing pieces from the puzzle.] When the first humans made the choice to go against God, they messed it up. It wasn't a perfect world anymore. Their relationship with God was broken, and they probably started to feel aches and holes in their hearts, like loneliness and sadness.

[Try to fit pieces into mostly the wrong places.]  We can do our best to try to fix things ourselves. Sometimes it seems like we are able to make things better on our own . . . but we just might end up more "puzzled" than before.

[Place the pieces back into the right places.] But only God unbreaks what's been broken because only God sees the big picture and knows where everything is supposed to go!

Pray: Dear God, we know you made things good and sometimes we mess that up. Thank you for caring about us and helping us fix the broken things in our lives. Amen.


  • From what tree were the man and woman tempted to eat?

  • What did the serpent say to the woman?

  • Why did the man and woman hide from God?

  • Read Matthew 9:12-13. What do you think Jesus means by saying that it's the sick who need a doctor and not the healthy people?

  • Can you name some things that are broken in our world today?

  • How do you know God planned all along to unbreak, or fix, what the first humans did in today's story?

  • What might you do to help someone feel better when they feel broken — for example, when someone feels sad or sick?