6.3 Family Experience Resources

Make it or break it - Week 1

Whether it’s with LEGO bricks, Minecraft, or Roblox, our kids (and us!) love to make things — and sometimes break them. In this four-week series from the very beginning of the Bible, we’ll compare God’s ability to make good things with our tendency to break them. Through the stories of creation, the fall, Cain and Abel, and the Tower of Babel, we’ll see that God makes good things, unbreaks what’s been broken, and made us different on purpose, so we should honor God with the things we make.

BIG IDEA: God makes good things.

READ:  In the Beginning: Genesis 1:1-2:4a; John 1:1-5




"For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything." Hebrews 3:4 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: 

"God made everything!" Hebrews 3:4



Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video


SONG: When I Look and All Good


COLORING: Hebrews 3:4



 Read John 1:1-5 with your family.

Do the first three words of the first verse in the book of John sound familiar? What does it remind you of? It starts off in a similar way to the way Genesis 1 begins: "In the beginning." 

Do you remember what God made on the first day of creation? When there was darkness all around, God made light.

Why do you think it was so important that God created light? Light helps us see, and it is super helpful when it is dark . . . and this is exactly what Jesus does for us!


Jesus is the light we need when we end up in dark spaces. Maybe not actual darkness – like when you play hide and seek and decide to hide in a closet – but whenever we find ourselves feeling lost, afraid, angry, hopeless, or sad, we can turn to Jesus to guide us. 

Jesus is always here for us. Jesus' light is always bright and always warm, which helps us find and see the good things when we can't see clearly.


Pray: Dear God, thank you for making everything good through your "out of this world" imagination! We love all the colorful ways you created the animals in sky, land, and sea. We also are especially grateful for the way you have made each of us so uniquely good! Thank you, thank you, thank you. Amen.


  • Name two things that God created.

  • What did God say after creating each thing?

  • What did God do after everything had been created?

  • Read John 1:1. Who is the "Word" that was there in the beginning when God created all things?

  • What is your favorite thing on the list of things God created?

  • Why do you think God made all of these things in a specific order?

  • God created you, too! What’s your favorite thing about yourself?