5.27 Family Experience Resources

Heroic - Week 4

Every kid wishes they had superpowers, but with Jesus, we don’t need x-ray vision or invisibility to be heroes! In this four-week series, our kids will hear stories about the heroes of the Early Church — the apostles and disciples who used their unique abilities to spread the good news of Jesus. Through their stories, we’ll see that anyone can do great things for God because God gives everyone a mission, the Holy Spirit gives us power, and we’re heroic when we work as a team!

BIG IDEA: We are heroic when we work as a team.

READ: The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost: Acts 2:1–12; 1 Corinthians 12:4–12



"The spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline." 

2 Timothy 1:7 (NIV)

Toddler Twist: 

"Jesus gives me power, love, and self-control." 2 Timothy 1:7


Preschool- teaching video

Elementary- teaching video

SONG: Fly and I Believe

COLORING: 2 Timothy 1:7


Play this video The Church: One Body With Many Parts.

Isn’t it so amazing how God made each of us uniquely, with different gifts and talents? I’m so glad the Holy Spirit knows exactly what to give us. We’re all a part of Jesus’ body, each of us playing our own special part! We are heroic when we work as a team!

What do you think about these gifts we’re given?

What gifts do you think you might have?

What gifts might you want?

How would you want to use those gifts for God and for others?


Pray: Thank you God for giving us unique and special gifts And giving us a loving team of heroes such as this Help us use our gifts to show our love for one another Because we know it makes you glad when we all work together! Amen.


  • When the Holy Spirit showed up, what sound filled the place and what settled on each person?

  • What happened when the Holy Spirit filled the believers?

  • Why were the people who heard the believers so amazed?

  • Read 1 Corinthians 12:7. Why does the Holy Spirit give each of us different spiritual gifts?

  • Do you enjoy working in a team? What do you find enjoyable? What do you find challenging? 

  • What gift has the Holy Spirit given to you? Or what gift would you like to ask God to give you? 

  • Look around the room. What gifts do you see in your friends at church that you can all use together to help people around you?